2025 Board of directors


NYC Brewers Guild Committees

 As a member of our NYC Brewing Community, we encourage members and their teams to be a part of our committees. This is a great way to be more involved and have your voice in how our Guild works and grows.
See below for descriptions of our different committees, and how to get more involved.

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Education & Member Benefits

Mission: The Education and Member Benefits Committee is established to provide resources and training for NYCBG members through classes, seminars, general information and other approved avenues. The Committee is tasked to provide resources for the collective membership that they might not otherwise be able to provide themselves.

Membership: The Committee shall be comprised of a liaison from the Board of Directors and a Committee Chair, selected by the Board of Directors. The Committee members may be comprised of active members from the NYCBG.

Authority and Responsibilities: The Committee shall:

  • Develop and maintain a yearly schedule of classes and seminars of ongoing education in the fields of sensory analysis, safety, brewhouse operations, marketing, and other fields that fall in line with the NYCBG mission and annual goals

  • Plan and coordinate logistics for seminars and classes

  • Work within budget as outlined by Board and Treasurer 

  • Identify and develop opportunities to provide cost savings for NYCBG members through collective purchasing and similar programs

  • Curate speakers and presenters for monthly NYCBG guild meetings as directed by the Board

Events, Planning & Outreach

Mission: The Events Committee is established to organize and plan events in order to promote guild members and craft beer appreciation in NYC.

Membership: The Committee shall be comprised of a liaison from the Board of Directors and a Committee Chair or Co-Chairs, selected by the Board of Directors. The Committee members may be comprised of active members from the NYCBG.

Authority and Responsibilities: The Committee shall:

  • Curate, invite and coordinate events for the members of NYCBG

  • Plan, budget and coordinate logistics for events

  • Work with the Marketing Committee to adequately promote events 

  • Work within budget as outlined by Board and Treasurer 

  • Determine schedule of events, application deadlines, promotions and ticket sales schedules, etc. 

  • Work with Board of Directors to outline annual events planning schedule

  • Develop and maintain SOP’s for executing NYCBG sanctioned events

  • Work with Marketing Committee to develop new events and broaden outreach of NYCBG

  • Provide post-mortem for each major event to Board of Directors for review

Marketing & Communications

Mission: The Marketing Committee is established to form a consistent NYCBG message and yearly plan that promotes NYC Brewer’s Guild members and craft beer appreciation within NYC, consistent with the overall mission of the NYCBG.

Membership: The Committee shall be comprised of a liaison from the Board of Directors and a Committee Chair, selected by the Board of Directors. The Committee members may be comprised of active members from the NYCBG.

Authority and Responsibilities: The Committee shall:

  • Develop and maintain a yearly plan to utilize the NYCBG’s various social media accounts with goals to increase NYCBG social media following and engagement, and build a long-term communications asset for the NYCBG and its members

  • Seek out opportunities through tourism outlets to promote the NYCBG and its members 

  • Review, update and maintain the NYCBG Website to be a location for members and potential customers to stay informed about the NYCBG and its members

  • Develop, manage and coordinate with Events Committee new market outreach opportunities and events, including communities outside of the beer community, such as food/wine, music, film, etc. 

  • Develop and manage additional NYCBG marketing efforts such as Monthly Email Blasts, Blog/Vlog posts, etc.

  • Keep up to date with current trends in marketing and communication

DEIJ & Policies

Mission: The Inclusivity, Diversity and Guild Policies Committee is established to evaluate and enhance Guild policies, to explore diversity initiatives and issues and to align the guild with best practices regarding policy, anti-harassment, diversity and accommodation.

Membership: The Committee shall be comprised of a liaison from the Board of Directors and a Committee Chair, selected by the Board of Directors. The Committee members may be comprised of active members from the NYCBG.

Authority and Responsibilities: The Committee shall:

  • Review and advise on newly proposed NYCBG guild policies, as well as periodically review established policies, to ensure they align with best practices regarding diversity, inclusivity, anti-harassment and accommodation for all NYCBG members and patrons

  • Develop and maintain new initiatives that further diversity and inclusion

  • Work with Education and Member Benefits Committee to provide resources and training relating to diversity and inclusion

  • Encourage and develop resources for members to improve diversity and inclusion in the workplace

  • Periodically assess the success and needs for improvement in the NYCBG’s effort towards greater diversity and inclusion

Retail & Distributor Relations

Mission: The Retail and Distributor Relationships Committee is established to build stronger relationships between the NYCBG and the retail and distributor companies in New York City, through education, events and communication directly to those that purchase products from any NYCBG member.

Membership: The Committee shall be comprised of a liaison from the Board of Directors and a Committee Chair, selected by the Board of Directors. The Committee members may be comprised of active members from the NYCBG.

Authority and Responsibilities: The Committee shall:

  • Set annual goals to enhance and maintain current relationships between NYCBG members and the retail and distributor accounts

  • Develop and maintain new opportunities for the NYCBG members to reach retail and distributor accounts in New York City

  • Work with the Events Committee to enhance current established events and develop new events to engage new accounts and enhance current relationships

  • Work with the Education and Member Benefits Committee to curate and execute educational benefits that will pertain to both NYCBG members and retail accounts

  • Propose to Treasurer and President any necessary budgetary needs to execute goals and operate within set budgetary guidelines

  • Advise the Board on new NYCBG policies to better enhance relationships with retail and distributor accounts